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Testing / Assessment

Assessment is a tool to evaluate the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition or educational needs of children.

The institution is professionally equipped with various world standardized testing materials and professionals to guide the students and parents in the right direction. Age-appropriate tests are done right from the age of five till twelfth grade by a professional psychologist. Based on the standardized tests that we perform, we also write to the board council for board concessions for certain kids who require extra help in their exams.

Personality assessment is conducted through behavioural observations, paper‐and‐pencil tests, and projective techniques.

Career guidance is given to students who face difficulty in a variety of career challenges or in general are not sure of where their aptitude and passion lies.

Testing/Assessment, Career guidance at Brighter Horrizon
Testing & Assessment in Ahmedabad

Are you concerned about?

Not understanding the concepts

Lagging behind in the class curriculum


Emotional and behavioural issues, etc.

Highlights of the tests


Learning Difficulties

Behaviour Issues

Perception, Memory and Problem Solving

Intellectual and Social functioning and much more

Testing / Assessment

The tests provided by us are

Psychological (IQ)


Personality Assessment

Career Guidance

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